My Dentist's, Dr. Richard M. Thomas Jr, website
Ask Dr Spiller, this site is by a dentist with 26 yrs experience, lots of helpful info
"Dentures A New Smile" former MSN group above moving Feb 09
Health Boards "Dental Problems" discussion board
Yahoo Group "Denture Adventures" (don't know why I got banned from this group)
Cosmetic Dentistry Website (Lots of helpful info)
Cosmetic Dentistry Discussion Board
What Can I Eat When My Teeth Hurt or What soft foods to eat with new dentures? credit to
(adult braces)
MORE.....What Can I Eat When My Teeth Hurt or what to eat with new dentures? credit to
(adult braces)
Ray's Denture Site (see notes below about Ray's site)
Here I would like to make a note of the above site. Ray's Denture Site. I had added a link to a denture color seclection
chart which I found out was a copyright violation. I am sincerely sorry for this error. I have corrected by linking directly
to Ray Hayden's site itself to avoid any violations. My sincere apologies to Ray. His site is very informative and details
his experiences from a male perspective.
Denture Color Selection Guide (maintained by Ray)
Below you will find two links that I think are very helpful but I do want my site visitors to know that they are considered
a fetish sort of thing. Before you decide either way just take a look. The Plastic Smiles web page is a very informative site.
It has tons of helpful info as well as personal stories from fellow denture wearers. The group options is no longer active
on Plastic Smiles Home Page but you can access their group by the Yahoo Group link below. The group has been very friendly
towards me. Not offensive at all and their comments truly help the self esteem with new dentures. Just wanted to add my two
cents about Colin's sites. I dont know if I have been banned from a few Yahoo groups because of my membership or posting of
Plastic Smiles but oh well!!! they have been really helpful and supportive of me to date so their links and my membership
will continue!!!! So take the time to just check them out if its not your cup of tea then you do not have to continue to visit
them. One of my mottos has always been don't judge a book by its cover take the time to understand before you make a decision.
Plastic Smiles Home Page (very informative site)
Yahoo group "Plastic Smiles" moderator Colin (he has been so friendly, polite and best of all hasn't banned me!)